
Professional Skin Resurfacing

Professional Skin Resurfacing

-Consultation Required-


I use crystal-free diamond tip wands along with adjustable suction to remove the outermost layer of dead skin cells from the epidermis. This promotes stimulation of fibroblasts for collagen production, & provides highly effective overall rejuvenation of skin health. It is non-invasive, painless, requires no down-time, and is appropriate for most skin types. This treatment can effectively treat dry, patchy skin, fine lines & wrinkles, sun damage, hyperpigmentation and acne scarring. The Basic Microdermabrasion is a 15 min appointment time. If you prefer a more relaxing experience with your microdermabrasion feel free to add on a mask and that will increase the appointment time to 25 to 30 min.

See our Pre and Post treatment Microdermabrasion information.

Basic $75
Decollete $25
Upper Back $65
Hands $20
Mask and hand and arm massage $25
Microcurrent $25
Red Light Therapy $25

Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

Take years off your face with a brighter smile and it can be done in 30 min!! Results can last 6 months to 2 years depending on your habits. If you have tooth decay, significant enamel demineralization, periodontal (gum) disease, irritation or bleeding gums, have not been seen by a dentist recently; you should not engage the NuYu Teeth Whitening process until these conditions have been successfully resolved by a dentist

Important: Please fill out our Consent Form before service.

1 Treatment $110.00

LED Red Light Therapy

LED Red Light Therapy

Reduces fine lines, minimizes pores and crows feet, reduces redness, reduces acne scarring, builds healthy cells, enhances collagen production, overall lifting and hydrating effect, helps repair sun-damaged skin, increases blood circulation, improves under eye area, dark circles and helps lessen bags. A series of 4-6 treatments 1 week apart is recommended. Maintain results with 1-2 treatments per month. Consultation Required. Contraindications include pregnancy, epilepsy, thyroid conditions, photo – allergic or taking medicine that causes light sensitivity such as tetracycline. First 4 treatments must be done weekly.

Instructions: Please see our detailed Instructions before service.

Series of 4 $225.00
Series of 6 $270.00 (SAVE 10%)
Mini Red Light $60.00
Add on to service:
  • - Add mask and hand & arm massage: 25.00

Enzyme Facial

Pumpkin Enzyme Facial

This peel is a revitalizing facial treatment that exfoliates the dead, damaged layer of skin. This treatment will leave your face glowing and will reveal your fresh beautiful skin. With regularly scheduled treatments, natural enzyme peels can produce similar results to chemical peels- without the risk of skin damage.

This enzyme facial includes cleansing, exfoliation, pumpkin enzyme mask, moisturizer and sunblock. A hand and arm massage is given while the mask is on.

30 Minutes $60.00

Lactic Acid Peel

This peel is for all skin types, but especially effective for dry sensitive, thin, hyperpigmented and aging skin. Lactic Acid decreases hyperpigmentation and retexturizes the skin. Hyaluronic Acid and Beta Glucan soften, smooth and hydrate the skin. There is little to no downtime for this peel. . This peel is safe to use on pregnant and lactating women.


Add on to service:
  • - Add mask and hand & arm massage: $25.00
  • - Microcurrent: $25.00
  • - Red Light Therapy $25.00


This procedure is awesome for instantly tightening your skin, contours and defines, reduces fine lines and wrinkles and giving you a more toned appearance. For best results this treatment is done weekly for 6 to 10 weeks and then maintained 1 to 2 times per month

Series of 6 $270.00
Single Treatment $50.00

Bio-Feedback Scan

Service $70.00 and this includes a personalized sticker.

This Biofeedback scan utilizes frequencies that are input into the body and monitors the body's reaction to the frequencies. The frequencies your body reacts to are recorded and the exact frequencies are notated. Rife calls this a “hit.” I will analyze all the hits, then select the 10 or 20 that were strongest. These frequencies will then be added to your customized sticker for you to wear on the left side of your body.

A biofeedback scan now takes about 15 minutes. The appointment time is a total of 45 minutes to ensure time to imprint the proper frequencies on to your sticker. Biofeedback scans require a frequency sweep to be input to the body, plus a system to monitor the results of this. As this sweep is being transmitted, it will kill or injure pathogens. Your body registers these events as stresses, and each one is clearly recorded. Depending on your settings, it will then analyze all the hits, then select the 10 or 20 that were strongest. The frequencies which caused these are assembled into a program you can save and use to treat the problems found. The human body, it may surprise you to learn, is made up of more than 50% bacterial cells. Most of these organisms are harmless, some are beneficial, and some cause disease. The biofeedback scan is not capable of telling the difference between them – it can only report how big a stress the destruction of each caused in your body. To put it another way, it lists the organisms that “screamed loudest.”

But, there's no guarantee that these are the nasty ones. In fact, serious pathogens are often able to hide from your immune system because they've developed stealth strategies. So while they may be hit and killed, their presence might not register over the “noise” of trillions of other bacteria, all of which are also being hit. Repeated scans are necessary to “clear the stage” of all the loud and melodramatic organisms first. When that's done, the Rife system can now “hear” the bad guys clearly. Biofeedback scanning is like peeling an onion, layer by layer.

  • Contraindications:
  • Pregnancy
  • Pacemaker or electrical implants

Rife Treatment

Rife treatments are run on the 1st and 15th of every month.

The Rife machine was developed in the 1930's by Dr. Royal R. Rife. The Rife machine uses frequencies to produce mechanical resonance within the cells of the body. The Rife machine has 55,000.00 different frequencies to compliment the body's natural healing ability.

12 Day Detox $160

Aphrodite Skin Solutions & Wellness Client-Use Form

The following frequencies will be used during the 12 days include detox metal, remove systemic toxins, detox chemical materials, remove intestinal toxins, parasite and liver function, lymphatic system, cleanse blood, kidney and liver toxins and intestinal parasites. This process is done remotely by using your fingernail or toenail. Check out Quantum Entanglement to better understand this process. Client's will be asked to mail in their fingernail/toenail with the attached disclosures to my office. During the 12 Day Detox you will be required to drink 10 to 12 glasses of water per day. As with any detox you may notice detox symptoms which can include fatigue, nausea, headache, restless sleep and more. Everyone is different and you may not notice any symptoms at all. This is done remotely.

Contraindications for the remote session is pregnancy.


Hair and Lash Frequencies $60 per month

Clients have noticed hair growth, thicker hair, healthier hair, longer eyelashes, eyebrows filling in and grey hair turning back to brown. Everyone is different and results vary per person. There are no guarantees and everyone responds differently to frequencies.


(Click on images to see full-sized picture.)


Disclaimer:  Rife machines are not FDA approved and clients using rife machine assume full responsibility for their use, even though no adverse reactions been recorded except for some people having detox like symptoms. Many claims of cure of Lyme, Cancer and many other diseases remain anecdotal and remain scientifically unproven. The reader is urged to form their own opinion. This information is presented for informational and educational purposes only. No therapeutic claims are made for the Rife machine. The Rife machine is an experimental device and patients should consult their MDs regarding any medical condition they may have. I fully understand that Tracy Starratt from Aphrodite Skin Solutions & Wellness is not a medical physician and doesn't practice medicine.



  • "I have had hair loss for 15 years. My hair was very thin and getting hard to conceal anymore! Tracy added me to her Rife hair frequencies. I started noticing thicker hair especially in the back and sides of my hair and some on the top. My eyelashes also started getting thicker. I am happy with my results." - Joyce P.
  • "I went into the frequencies wanting longer eyelashes and to see the fullness of my hairline increase. Over the 8 week period I believe I saw more fullness and the length of my lashes increase. I was seeing a thinning of the hairline prior and throughout the frequencies it appears my hairline has filled in and appears win!" - Angela
  • "I noticed less lash shedding giving them more opportunity to grow longer!" - Debbi
  • "My experience with frequencies has been mostly positive. Each time I've participated in the detox, I've noticed side effects like head aches or stomach aches on certain days of the detox that are cues letting me know I have things I need to detox. Participating in the hair, lash, and brow growth frequencies, I've noticed faster growth rate with thicker hair. Others have also noticed it on me without me taking them I'm on the frequencies, so it's confirmation to hear it from an outside source as well." - Joyce
  • "When I was sick with covid, we tried a few immune booster frequencies that I think really helped save me from long term covid side effects as opposed to my spouse who want on the frequencies. - Terra
  • "During the detox frequencies, I was fatigued and also experienced mild breakouts. I felt similar to the beginning of pregnancy - tired from my body doing some kind of "work". Once we began the hair and skin frequencies, my hair grew noticeably faster - I noticed this with my brows, but mostly my legs. My skin became noticeably more moisturized and healthy. My facial skin appeared more youthful and plump." - Erin
  • "My name is Robyn Frier, and I participated in the 11-day detox with Tracy of Aphrodite Skin Solutions January 21st through January 31st. To be perfectly honest, I was completely skeptical the detox would even work. Think about it, how could the frequencies possibly reach me when I live over 60 miles away from the machine? Not only did I feel a difference during the 11 days, I even traveled to South Dakota for 3 days during the detox. The first thing I noticed was the bloating in my stomach started to go down, it was so exciting and uplifting I couldn't wait to see what would happen next. Following the transformation of my abdomen I noticed the midday crash was disappearing. I had so much more energy, and I'm ecstatic to report my energy levels have continued to remain over the following month. Not only has my energy increased I'm also sleeping so much better at night. A couple items I could have improved upon to get the most from the experience was drinking the amount of water suggested. I tried my best, but life and work sometimes get in the way. I would highly suggest focusing on what your body is telling you throughout the process. It was mentioned I might experience flu like symptoms and I did. It was confusing and I often thought, am I actually getting sick? I do believe the toxins were releasing from my body and the results I still experience today are proof. THANKS TRACY!"
  • "Thank you Tracy Starratt for introducing me to this new product! I too feel better and sleep well and have better clarity and I am losing weight! And thanks to you reminding me that I needed to drink more water my body is detoxifying even better! Thank you Tracy! 🥰" - Trish Clark
  • "I had LYME Disease and was shocked at how the remote detox really worked! I recently had surgery and was having a Lyme flare-up, which feels as if I have the flu — my skin hurts and I feel like I was hit by a truck. In the past I've had to use a combination of supplements to get the detox effect this had. After the detox my flare-up dissipated and I had tons of energy. I'm also sleeping without using a sleep aid. Looking forward to seeing what else this Rife machine can do. Thanks, Tracy!" - Judy Browne
  • "I tried the 11 day detox with Tracy Starratt using RIFE, I have to admit I was skeptical. I just couldn't understand how something like this could work remotely, through the air; so honestly, I wasn't expecting anything to happen. On day two, I started feeling something right away: I started having detox symptoms: headaches, pimples, fatigue, then things began to escalate and I was having frequent bowl movements (nothing uncomfortable, everything was just working). Also, I had an appetite and was enjoying food. All the time I was in contact with Tracy and following her advice to drink tons of water. I would drink a minimum of 120 ounces a day. Near the end of the detox, during the liver cleanse segment, I vomited yellow bile, just once. Tracy asked if I wanted to stop the detox but it was obviously working and I chose to keep going. After the cleanse was finished, it took a few days to start feeling better, but when I did feel better, I felt really good. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to improve their health. I have now started the wellness portion of the program and it still amazes me that it actually works and I can feel it right away." - Shaylan Quinn.

    My personal experience is below

    So far my personal experience with using frequencies is as follows.

    1. I sleep at night now
    2. I have more energy throughout the day and no afternoon slump.
    3. I'm more focused now and think clearer.
    4. I'm calmer
    5. Losing Inches
    6. I have a severe onion allergy that requires an EpiPen. When I go out to eat if someone orders onions next to me, I have to leave immediately and take several Benadryl to avoid having my throat close. I have been running food allergy frequencies on myself and went to Salsa on the rock last night and had people beside me and behind me order onions with no reaction.

    I'm super excited for everything it's done for me! Tracy Starratt

Relaxation Room

You have the option of relaxing in a dimly lit room, with frequencies playing, taking a nap, or adding a Rife or PEMF therapy session. It's great for a little peace and quiet, or rejuvenation from a crazy day. Sometimes we just need to have a minute to ourselves. One person, per appointment time.

1 hour relaxation only $25.00

Add Rife frequencies of your choice for a total cost of $40.00

Add PEMF therapy for a total cost of $40.00

Or add both Rife and PEMF therapy for $60.00

Please check out the Rife and PEMF therapy services for benefits and contraindications.

Rife Foot Detox

The Foot Detox cleanse is a professional detoxification therapy that helps with total body purification and enables the body to heal itself. This foot bath relaxes, cleanses, balances and enhances the bio energy of the body. The process uses positive and negative ions to gently draw out toxins from the body.

This is no regular foot detox as others that you may have seen. It is connected to a computerized program of specialized Rife Frequencies to give a much more therapeutic effect. These ions neutralize oppositely charged toxins in the cells that are normally slow to exit the body. In this way, all the body's organs can become energized and stimulated to function optimally. The body then rids itself of these toxins through its normal processes of urination, defecation, and sweating.

Benefits it can help improve:

  • Detoxifies the liver, kidney, and spleen
  • Excretes heavy metals out of the body
  • Reduce inflammation in the body
  • Improves Sleep
  • Enhances the immune system
  • Increases energy levels within the body
  • Cleanses and detoxifies the whole body
  • Purges off yeast stored within the body/li>
  • Creates a more balanced pH level
  • Eliminates parasites that have lodged itself within the body
  • Removes waste product that accumulates in the body because of an unhealthy diet
  • Rebalances cellular energy


  • epilepsy
  • pregnancy
  • breast feeding
  • pacemaker or other electrical implants
  • irregular heartbeat
  • active chemotherapy
  • diabetes
  • open sores on feet

45 min $60.00 Rife Foot Detox

TCA Chemical Peel

The TCA peel is an aggressive peel that helps to improve texture and hydration, increase cell renewal and collagen and elastin production, promote healthy barrier function, and reduce fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation, and scarring. Please plan on a two week downtime with this peel. Check the pre and post treatment instructions to make sure none of these will apply to you.

TCA Level 1 Peel $130.00

Alpha Chemical Peel

Superficial peels are excellent for sun damage, dull skin and discoloration. These peels can also tackle acne, rosacea and enlarged pores.

This surface peel uses alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) to include, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, and lactic acid. AHAs are great for stimulating collagen, so you get fantastic anti-aging benefits. These peels can happen during your lunch hour and require little downtime.

Alpha Beta Standard Benefits:

Reduction of oily skin, clogged pores, blackheads, whiteheads, papules and oil production. Smoother, firmer skin with a more even tone and minimized discoloration.

Alpha Beta Maintenance:

Maintain long-term results of Alpha Beta Peels with regular use of Alpha Beta Daily Exfoliator set, followed by use of Hyaluronic Replenish Serum twice daily as well as habitual use of SPF 30 or higher.

Cost $80.00

PEMF Therapy Service

PEMF means pulse electromagnetic field. When using the PEMF mat it helps by resonating with our cells to improve function, detoxification, and energy production and healing. The frequency copies the natural frequencies of the earth and it's called a Schuman resonance. The body gets what it has naturally, but at a slightly higher dose so it can restore health. It reduces inflammation and pain, giving you more energy, improved sleep, and significant pain relief. 100% safe, PEMF is proven to be one of the best modalities of treatment for pain, both local and generalized. It activates our regenerative capacity to heal and is therefore a great treatment for injuries. Diseases like arthritis, Lyme disease and fibromyalgia can be better controlled. As cellular energy increases, immune system functions are boosted. Treatment results vary and many may feel a difference after the first treatment, but it can take 5-20 treatments for more chronic conditions.

PEMF Treatmenst can Benefit the Following Conditions

  • Inflammation
  • Fatigue and Insomnia
  • Immune System disorders
  • Gastrointestinal Disorders
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Pain Relief
  • Joint Pain / Arthritis
  • Muscular Skeletal Injuries
  • Back and Neck Pain
  • Muscle Relaxation
  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Migraines (1 to 20 treatments)
  • Accelerated Bone healing
  • Nerve Repair
  • Less Stress

Effects of PEMF Therapy:

  • Improves blood flow
  • Increases cellular oxygen levels
  • Accelerates tissue repair
  • Promotes faster healing of injuries
  • Reduces fibrous tissue formation
  • Reduces swelling & inflammation
  • Stimulates release of endorphins
  • Decreased pain
  • Increased micro-circulation within minutes
  • Enhanced uptake of nutrients
  • Reduction of stress in the body
  • Improved sleep patterns
  • Faster healing of soft tissue
  • Reduced inflammation & swelling
  • Acceleration of nerve regeneration
  • Faster functional recovery
  • Enhanced capillary formation
  • Increased cellular energy level
  • Improved ability to rejuvenate cells
  • Improved immune response


  • Pregnancy
  • Implanted pacemaker or other electrical device
  • Heart conditions
  • Epilepsy or seizures
  • Organ transplant patient or taking immune suppression medications
  • 30 min Session $40.00
  • 5 session packaget $190.00 ($38 each)
  • 10 session packaget $350.00 ($35 each)

Hot/Cold Hammer and Blue Light Therapy

Blue light therapy is most commonly used to treat sun damage, improve skin texture, reduce sebaceous hyperplasia and enlarged oil glands. It can help with removing sun spots, reducing the appearance of pores, acne and even scars that were originally caused by acne.


  • Heat helps to relax the muscles, improving and stimulating the blood circulation, opening the pores, facilitates cleaning, eliminate toxins, excess fat and bacteria.
  • Cold helps to reduce wrinkles, softens and smooths the skin, soothes irritation, helps reduce inflamed skin, improves the elasticity of the skin, contracts the blood vessels of the face and improves the skin that has been subjected to excessive sun exposure.

This service includes cleansing, hot hammer, exfoliation, Blue Light Therapy, Cold Hammer and Moisturizer with Sunscreen.

25 min $65.00

Add mask $25.00

ZYTO Balance Scan

The ZYTO BioScan relies on galvanic skin response (GSR)—an established technology that measures fluctuations in electrical conductivity of the skin. One familiar application of GSR is lie detector testing. Each Virtual Item represents a different physical item. Every time the software introduces a Virtual Item, a corresponding GSR reading is taken by the Hand Cradle. Each new response is measured and tracked in comparison to the GSR baseline reading.

You can think of ZYTO scans as questionnaires to which your body's GSR data provides the answers. These scans are designed by some of the best and brightest professionals in the world for the purpose of providing the most pertinent information about your wellness. At the completion of a scan, the software's analysis is documented in the form of a report. Information gathered in this way can help you make decisions to maintain your health.

View ZYTO informational video here.

The ZYTO scan will let you know which organs need your attention and the nutritional supplements that will respond the best for you!! It also shows you which of your emotions are the highest and may need some support. ZYTO scan services can help you detect the exact issues with your body and the steps you need to take to get your health back in balance.

Take the guesswork out of nutritional supplements. Using the sophisticated BioResonance testing done in the ZYTO scan it will help you know exactly what issues your body is struggling with and what nutritional supplements will respond to those needs.

Depending on the type of scan you are getting it can take 20 minutes to an hour. After the scan is complete you will get an emailed report of up to 33 pages with color charts and graphs outlining in detail the most important things for you to know, along with concrete suggestions and real-time steps that will bring your body back into balance.

The ZYTO Hand Cradle has been cleared by the FDA for the measurement of galvanic skin response. ZYTO software has not undergone FDA review for effectiveness.

ZYTO technologies are not intended to be used in the diagnosis, care, treatment, mitigation, or prevention of any disease or medical condition. The diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions should only be undertaken by qualified medical professionals.

  • ZYTO Scan $50.00 (Should be retested every 4 to 6 weeks)
  • ZYTO Food Scan $50.00
  • ZYTO Scan series of 3 $125.00 (REG $150.00)
  • ZYTO Food Scan Series of 3 $125.00 (REG $150.00)



Iridologists use the iris as an assessment tool to distinguish genetic tendencies in the body. We analyze the systems in the body to help gain a better understanding of our client’s health and possible future concerns that may be genetic.

Iridology is the science and practice of eye analysis that reveals a person’s relative state of health.

$65.00 - Basic Iridology Service - includes eye color, constitution and subtype charts with suggestions

$120.00 (includes two appointments)First appointment (includes picture, Eye Constitution, Color and Structure Subtype charts with suggestions. 30-45 min appointment time.) 2nd appointment (Covers Pigments, Lacuna, Collarette and Pupils)

Iridologists match their observations to Iris charts, which divide the iris into zones that correspond to specific parts of the body. This is the Iridology chart used by Bernard Jensen:

DISCLAIMER: Tracy Starratt is not a medical doctor. The information on this page and the products available on this site or in the office are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease and should never be taken that way. I fully understand that Tracy Starratt at Aphrodite Skin Solutions & Wellness is NOT a medical physician and doesn’t practice medicine.